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Breaking down a body care routine for your skin! - Boho Botanist

Breaking down a body care routine for your skin!

Finding the ideal skincare routine for your face is a difficult task, but it isn't the only one you should be looking for. While we understand why you would prioritise your face because everyone sees it, we also believe that body care is essential. Did you know that the face constitutes only 7% of your body, while the remaining 93% of your skin lies under your face? Just as you use a facial cleanser, exfoliator, moisturiser, and other skincare products on your face, you should also use skin care products on the region below your neck. After all, you won't be pleased if you have a gleaming and flawless face but dry and rough hands and feet.

An organised body skincare routine that maintains healthy skin, leaves you feeling rejuvenated and nourished. This extends beyond simply showering on a regular basis to clean up. A body-skincare routine protects your body, the first line of defence against infection and sickness while also giving you a healthy shine. Everything from choosing the best body care products and body creams to shaving correctly plays a great role in taking care of your skin.

We've broken down a fundamental body care regimen into five easy steps, and we're going to tell you everything you need to know right here right now!

Cleanse, Cleanse, Cleanse

You probably guessed this first step if you already have a consistent skincare routine for your face. The greatest approach to start, no matter what portion of your body you're dealing with, is to get absolutely clean. For your body, this means using a cleanser designed for cleansing your body—don't expect your face wash to suffice. Look for a body wash that is mild on your skin and will not irritate or dry it out. Lather up with a loofah, a washcloth, or simply your hands, then rinse thoroughly before continuing.

There is a narrow line between effectively washing the skin and dehydrating it completely. As a result, it is critical to seek products that hydrate and soothe your skin.

Introducing Boho Botanist’s Green Tea & Cactus Body Wash! This is a rich mix of 8 botanical oils and plant-based extracts. Enriched with botanicals like Green Tea and Cactus, this body wash gives your skin much-needed hydration.

Exfoliation is the key to healthy skin

Exfoliation is the process of eliminating dead skin cells and serves as the foundation for starting a body skincare routine. Exfoliating, in addition to removing dead skin cells, stimulates circulation and prepares your skin to better absorb the benefits of body care products. Exfoliating using face scrubs can be difficult. You don't want to scrub your skin too much for risk of causing discomfort, but you do need to do it on a regular enough basis so dead skin cells don't leave your skin appearing dull. To make matters worse, various people's skin can handle differing levels of exfoliation. But that's a discussion for another day! Fortunately, your body's skin is better adapted to exfoliation. Because your body is often tougher than your face, you don't have to be as concerned about overscrubbing.

Exfoliate your body two or three times a week by including a scrub into your shower routine and gently kneading the scrub into your skin. Pay special attention to your elbows, knees, and heels, as these areas are more likely to develop rough spots that require extra exfoliation. Massage an exfoliating scrub into damp skin in a circular motion, working your way all over your body to exfoliate it.

You’ve been shaving the wrong way your entire life!

Even if you've shaved for more than half your life, it's not completely foolproof. In truth, there are numerous errors you could be making in this aspect of your body care routine. To shave properly, begin by spending some time in the shower. The water will soften your skin and prepare it for shaving. When it comes time to go for the razor, go slowly. 

Start shaving after applying the shaving gel. Shave in the appropriate direction for the desired shave and body part. Going against the grain can result in a closer shave, but shaving in more sensitive places can cause irritation, ingrown hairs, and razor burn.

Don’t neglect your feet! 

To be honest, when it comes to foot care, we like to delegate the most of the heavy lifting to our nail technician and ignore it on other days. However, on days when we don’t visit the salon our feet start to resemble hooves! On such days, we advocate using a foot mask to keep your skin feeling baby soft no matter how much you've been strutting around.

Pro-tip: For baby soft feet, once or twice every week slip on plastic socks with a clear gel or foot cream and leave them on for an hour. And ta-da presenting soft feet with no cracks, dead skin, or calluses. 

Meet your skin guardian - The Moisturiser:

We all know that the skin is our body's primary and most important protective barrier, protecting us from diseases and infections. Our skin is constantly exposed to substances that can cause it to dry up, break, and get damaged, which is why moisturising is critical to maintaining our skin's defence.

The act of cleansing, exfoliating, and shaving all have one thing in common: they all leave your skin dry. While your skin is still damp from your shower activities, this is an excellent opportunity to moisturise it. Apply a hydrating cream or lotion to your entire body, from your neck to your toes (hello, soft feet! ), and allow it to permeate before putting on your clothes.

Hi Alexa, what's dry oil?

 Have you ever tried a body oil before? If not, the most common reasons are that you either find them too greasy and sticky or they didn't absorb well?

Switch to a dry oil instead. Dry oils provide the same moisturising advantages as wet oils, but without the sticky residue on your skin or hair. Many people like dry oils since they seep into your skin immediately after application. Introducing Boho Botanist Gloss Dry Oil for Body. Infused with Green Tea extracts and Jojoba Oil, this dry gloss oil will add the missing jazz to your skin leaving it glowing, nourished and oh-so-soft. 

So seal in all that moisture with a dry oil and glow girl glow!!

Smell Good Feel Good!

You know the feeling—the one where you know you smell fantastic. It's akin to going out of the salon with a new hair colour or blowout, or strutting out in a new clothing you just splurged on. Seal your body care routine with your beloved scent. Layer it with your lotion and smell extraordinary the entire day!